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Sep 2013
Why can't I
Close my eyes without seeing
All the Images from that night
Why Can't I?
Why can't I
Walk down the hallways
Without getting made fun of
Just because I chose not to care
Why Can't I?
Why can't I
block out every word they say
Why can't I?
Why can't I
Be strong without feeling weak
Because the feelings you can't see
Are the only feelings that matter
Why can't I?
Why can't I
Be myself...
Be Different for a Change
Guess this world is too scared of that
Why can't I?
Why can't I
Make a difference in someones life
Just because they may be black
And I may be white
Why can't I?
Why can't I
Just say one word
Without being drowned
In a sea of them
Why can't I?
Why can't I
See the comedy
In this tragedy
Because if there isn't any comedy
Why the hell are they laughing at me

You wanna know why?

Its Because

This world has gone to hell
Mitchell Mulkey
Written by
Mitchell Mulkey  America
   Denisse and ---
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