These are tough times As far as Recruitment is concerned Of course, Recruitment is never easy Especially when you work in a startup But a year like 2022 With backout after backout And consequently rework after rework Really takes the biscuit Here I am Without a single closure In the last ten frigging months And thus having my confidence shredded to pieces One would think That I badly need a break In order to recharge my batteries You, on the other hand Decided to add to the burden By assigning me, not one But three extra mandates Mandates that are not only difficult But also rather time-consuming And require dealing with a client That has tested our patience On multiple occasions And on top of that I have to come to office as well Of course, it is all smooth sailing As far as the onward commute is concerned Thanks to the ever reliable AC local The return, however, is a different ballgame altogether Because you always make me late Thus, I never manage to catch the AC local And by the time I reach home I end up hating you to the core You are lucky magic doesn't exist Because if it did You would have been dead a long time ago I would have seen to that Anyway, coming back to reality I have always been tolerant But, as my grandfather would say There is a limit to everything And if you are expecting me to work on Saturdays as well You are exceeding that limit And then I will have no choice But to leave, once and for all As I've already mentioned I have always been tolerant However, my tolerance now runs thin
A rant against my boss for loading me with a lot of extra work when I am already struggling and low on confidence due to a year full of backouts.