it was a dark night when suffer and his baby brother set out to make a few bucks at some kinda quick somthin or other like a thousand times before down easy on the farm always been that way just gotta figure the way to cut the bean close to the fat an squeeze the soil for the pound and its always owing someone owing everybody cause the ends never have met an never will but a shotgun brought it close a time or two so suffer believes he will take it on with tonight see if he can straighten out what never been right it was a dark night slow and easy in the town like it always has been everybody knows everybody's name and everybody's game so it wasn't much of a surprise to find suffer and his big baby brother walk on into the five and dime pullin out guns and robbing the register and old man jenkins pulled his six shooter and put five of em baby brother one in suffer's leg he promptly fell to wailing his baby brother was gone now hes gonna face the 'lectric chair all on his lonesome all on his lonesome cause he was named to suffer and that's what hes gonna do gonna burn in that ole time hell like they got there in the good book yea gonna ride the lighting cause suffer been a loose cannon too long and they don't like that in this slow down an easy do it town so he's gotta pay always been that way the ends never meet and never will but no matter you go to the good lord with apologies in hand dressed in your sunday best like a good boy finally suffer your gonna be a good boy pushin daisy's in a summer sun pushin till the lord calls you on home
for humbolt and his kid brother...friends of mine from long ago and far away..."dont pass out here kid, they will steal your pants." so true that kiddo, so true :-) humbolt and his baby brother both pushin daisy's...come to a no good end like they always said he would. he was a friend of mine, and a good kid.