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KV Srikanth
Oct 2022
No more knee high to a grasshopper
Way past being a spring chicken
Default one foot into the grave
Not yet reached the ripe old age
Hanging in there
In between all of this
Easy to place myself between numbers
Nothing gives more clarity
What about the rest of it
How do I value my life
By the deeds i have done
Good and bad balances just fine
Was the last growth in my mother's womb
What's the latest count
From the time the umbilical chord was cut
Till midnight added one more round
Maturity and Wisdom
Can never be innate
Life promotes me in accordance
With how i led mine
Success and failure
The world brands daily
Where do I find myself
Am i in the race or are the grapes too sour
How do I value others
By their heart or
Whether they hit the mark
How far does indifference play its part
Do i bring cheer
Have i helped the near and dear
And the not so near and dear
Embellished over the years
Did i learn my lessons well
Opportunities lost can i recall
Nothing is lost if there's a lesson in it
Am i atleast grateful for it
Fear Anger Frustration and comparison
Friends from adolescence
Are they still the guests i invited
Or have they been cremated
Content and Peace
Been inviting them daily
Have they accepted my invitation
If my heart has opened they don't need one
A temple of tranquility
I know I'm.not
Not yet i tell myself
Will be there before I'm dead
Been there done it
World weary seen it all
Faith still missing from my thoughts
Halfway mark i. Hope i have crossed
Am i moving daily
A person better than i used to be
Gratitude Compassion and empathy
I will strive to make these my innate quality
I know its all inside
Outer just a mirror
A life worth remembering
Is the key to immortality
Not about creating a legacy
Others perception no control over
How do I value myself
I rank myself true to myself
Written by
KV Srikanth
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