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Oct 2022
Do you believe in aliens?
And if you do is it already to late?
You said didn't
You'd never again make that mistake

What about gay marriage?
What's your stance on this?
You told me it's none of your business
What's in my spouse's pants or
What door they go behind when
They have to ****

Is it love that makes *** better or
*** that makes love better?
You had never known these commodities to
Comingle you told me unfettered

What was it like going to your first concert?
At twelve years old
You came home covered in blood and sweat
But you hadn't been hurt

How did you get that scar above your eye?
You sighed, it was a souvenir
From the third time you died

Have you ever once shot a gun?
No but you  pointed one at the man
Who used to hurt your mom

Have you ever gotten young drunk?
If things go right you'd be that way tonight
And it'd be a real ******
I knew in that exact moment
That I wanted to kiss ya
Michael J Daisey Jr
Written by
Michael J Daisey Jr  50/M/South Jersey
(50/M/South Jersey)   
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