After papa succumbed to congestive heart failure October 7th, 2020 yours truly neglected fulfilling promised score.
I did shirk maintaining bond with youngest sister who when a boy especially fond regarding said sibling whereat myself and and Shari Todd played cat and mouse chasing each other to pond necessitating both of us to traverse wooded thicket simultaneously waving our magic wand.
Boyhood of mine chock full of memories framing me and most favorite playmate requiring keen eye to distinguish one scrawny little lad no one would debate impossible mission to discern thirty three month age difference, cuz we appeared to naked eye as identical twins.
Flickering images of yesteryear pepper memory faculty where froze frieze in time trigger an errant tear trickling down cheek, when impish gonif nsync with me comprised pair of inseparable Harris offspring in sum re: portrayed analogy likened to everyday idyllically kleer pitch perfect courtesy weatherman/woman maker engineer.
Our late father though cremated would if alive furrow ashen brow aware how Matthew Scott remiss and no longer doth bother (essentially incommunicado between himself and kid sister ever since she left home at age seventeen) for greener pastures, which meadow (for success - defined as transcending her inherent limitations) sowed the seeds of her life reaped with utmost plentitude of hardihood.
Her sixty first birthday arrives six days from today (October eleventh two thousand and twenty two) - decades spanned with nary acknowledgement expressed courtesy sole brother manned existence floundering like a fish in treacherous waters barely gasping breath as he felt afflicted with chronic anxiety emotionally whipsawed hither and yon to and fro across unwritten pages of his life.
Yours truly attests feeling aghast once upon a time resorting to self starvation initially omitting breakfast subsequently forgoing every meal prepubescence witnessed absent enthusiast for livingsocial hence, my death I chose to forecast fortunately no coroner called to perform autopsy inquest about which severe psychological suicidal ambition I jest.