1492 unleashed, jump/ kick started, and downloaded a bittorrent götterdämmerung spelling genocide of indigenous peoples occupying Turtle Island, now surviving tribes just a shell of their former grandeur.
At present Columbus day linkedin with high dudgeon courtesy scattered remnants of once proud nations occupying contiguous United States plus calling Alaska and Hawaii their happy hunting grounds, enshrine actual or mythologized spectacular pièce de résistance instances when counting coup.
I recollect needing to know scores of years ago when a student attending grade schools within Lower Providence District as an important bit of information contributing to (white washed) history of western civilization (and never forgot) recalling the names Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria associated with heroic measures undertaken
by Cristóbal Colón, (but also been referred to, by himself and others, as Christoual, Christovam, Christofferus de Colombo, and even Xpoual de Colón) five hundred and thirty years ago, who purportedly "discovered" the Americas, when in fact native occupants of the land already dwelled upon the then island paradises.
He/him and subsequent swashbuckling gung-** high spirited men set sail across expanse of ocean(s) exhibiting eager intent to claim untrammeled storied quintessentially opulently magnificent kingdoms intoxicating greedy Europeans.
Blatant exploitation inexorably nudged courtesy trickery vis a vis hook and crook to grab good & plenty treats forcibly wrested by violence sabotaging the delicate webbed wide world constituting millenniums of heavenly bliss, where marauders wantonly ransacked indeed lacking absolute zero selflessness forcing diverse autochthonous nations to acquiesce and surrender ancestral grounds to aggressive, coercive and offensive Europeans hell bent to populate occupied territory
commandeering, humiliating, manhandling, poisoning, subdividing, triangulating every square inch encompassing fruitful grand home of rightful heirs to stolen near boundless tracts eventually hashtagging uncharted pristine green acres spanning from sea to shining sea becoming commercial real estate falsely claiming a haven housing home of the free land of the brave.