Sometimes I am happy, Sometimes I am sad. Sometimes I don't feel anything, Other times I'm mad.
But that's okay, Because life is made of Ups and downs, Ins and outs, Just don't sit in a corner And pout.
Because life is made of "Stand up tall!" "Keep your head low" "Nice to meet you" "See you later" And things we'll never know.
But I know what it's like to be happy Because I've felt sad. I know what it's like to feel nothing, Because I've felt everything.
To appreciate sunshine, You have to feel rain, To rejoice in peace, You have to feel pain.
But if you ever need to tell someone What you feel, Or that you don't know How you feel, You can come to me, And tell me what you know, That you don't know, You're scared, You don't care, Just always know, I'll be here.