Votes For Notes Choosing one style from an unlimited pile is as hard as Diamond or making a square Rock Roll
Collective collaborations create unique feelings individually or in community, music has Magic to be heard not seen
Unlike sights we are left to feel sounds, Hidden charm inside a subtle chime, fledgling feelings grow from a bass down low expanding beauty upon a listener's soul
Begin life in searches, nursery rhymes to funeral dirges, endless players add constant layers competition for compositions adding more jewels to our Crown
To the Dead I am Grateful, gatherings of folkies & Yokels expanded our vocals not left steaming & screaming like my Metal head friends, new found Freedom gathering ticket stubs by the pocketful
Rockers often scream of taking life to an edge in dispute of which way their soul should pledge leaving us alone in the lyrics to roam, internal interpretation often sifting each listeners reasoning
Hillbilly humming solo guitar strumming, a mixed medley I feel fondly, fond of Chet's precision style, violin or Banjo a sure win ,styles changing as I mature
Always searching feeling fuller when it is found, limitless vibration forms vibes within me grooves given and received, Sixth sense flowing internally helping to align mentally
Life in a song is better than trying to maintain without one, it is to the words or sounds I aspire looking outward to keep my mind "Out of the Mire" R.C.
A personal homage to music in general not a particular style or artist! Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. "Peace Takes Practice" Rick