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Sep 2022
Dancing and singing , on crystal toes
The fears are not gaudy the denials are not nare' aired by foes
Inside closest wheels of times spent and thoughts amalgamate
The spinning of virtues and the reclamation of virtue against hate
Dearest royalty these years we have shared in Sovreign disguise
For the valiant effort to live for betterment of all was posed as yours and mine
Together we acquired photos losing never a wonderous wealth ofΒ Β thoughts to pass beyond our surface perimeters
As the vast driving honor passed between us, betwixt our souls and was made uncalloused for all to hear
Give me this notion to bless the day
As all dwell on the Heavens forthwith
That our eternal queen shall ascend and together her and I stay
What grandeur she represented, yet in passing her memory remains!
Written by
KorbydAngyle  50/M/Hyde Park Los Angeles
(50/M/Hyde Park Los Angeles)   
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