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Sep 2022
She held the darkness like a dancer
Holds tightly to the other
She held spark and fire - a pyromancer
The flames whipped around her

As She spun with her love
The only thing that made her feel alive
the flames were her lover - they fit like a glove
Her risky tryst that few would survive

As people watched on in awe
this violent passion - that lit up the night
Wrapped her in the warmth of its claw
They stood wide eyed in its beauty and fright

Her masterful art and the sway of the rhythm
left them exuberant as she seemed so defiant
To the heat of her craft - she cracked the algorithm
As the flames swayed around her - completely compliant

It followed her will - it would not consume
It was Chaos and law, Confusion and clarity
It could point to the wisdom of life and doom
She was a jewel in the heat - truly a rarity

She collapsed to her knees fast to the sand
Twin flames onΒ Β a ball on the end of a chain
That she pulled with each hand
Which Wrapped about her neck and back again

The fire didn't singe but caressed her face
Then sparks flew up to the stars above
Fire hit the ground followed by dark embrace
Silence was her applause -
as she extinguished her love.
Ashley Campriani
Written by
Ashley Campriani  29/F/Massillon, Ohio
(29/F/Massillon, Ohio)   
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