the storm moves in slowly building strength as it gathers rain becomes steady as he moves out into its wet features its wind break upon him with its warm intent his thoughts are clear with the seeing its a scattering of cherished memories on the hard surface that catches the edge of her eye and lets her pause in thought and mid-stride to let her mind wander over bedraggled and rain-soaked figure
inside that scattering of memory is a kaleidoscope of images patched together with the thin thread of the craftsman he labors in the night a room lit only by the one small lamp casting huge shadows into the background the light shifts and the pattern changes the night reveals the images are culled from the small corners of a dutch master its cracked and blackened surface eight hundred years old the rubbing from a new england tombstone a child who passed in the winter of 1709 her eyes feast on the loam colors and rich sequence giving into the intrigue of long lost faces people whose lives were so different from the mundane like her own
her bone features an uncertain veil like a paper thin skein wetly attached to the dark surface of her mind illustration painted in garish light he runs all night and he barks like a dog interpret his mouth actions with abacus and slide rule cause you cannot measure the madness with anything less than absolute numbers the dutch painting is as much of a tombstone as my long goodbye i drew in the sand at her feet