I look down at my chest, And breathe. And breathe.
I swallow, Relief tingling my nerves for a second at "negative" Second tumour in less than 4 years.
It grew so much more quickly than the first, And I breathe. One day, just one lucky day, I know you'll **** me.
You're uncontrollable now. Growing whatever you'd like, So deeply and thickly, they can't see But I feel the aches and pain And I just know in my heart, One day you'll **** me.
If I were smart, I'd chop you both off in an instant A double mastectomy from sheer forethought.
But insurance doesn't cover foresight nor seer abilities. So I blink and cry and sigh Each time I am prodded and poked and dissected
Every few years, a larger and faster growing tumour It's gotten smarter. It's learning, I think. It grows larger faster, noncancerous so far. How long do I have,?-is what I'd like to ask my chest.
One day you'll **** me. I'll miss one important new lump And it'll grow even more quickly than it's brothers And I'll suffer. It'll be too late for medical attention. I just know it.
One day...you will **** me. I'm just wondering when.