Lawrence Hall
An Active School Meeting in Progress
(A motion to adjourn is always in order)
This morning I drove by my old school A staff meeting was being committed inside Perpetrating crimes against intelligence “HELLO MY NAME IS” 10,000 years of civilization?
Doughnuts and foam cups of coffee
“IT’S A GREAT DAY TO BE A WILDCAT!” Or a lion, a tiger, a platypus The new superintendent loves Jesus His family, children, and America
Doughnuts and foam cups of coffee
He introduces the motivational speaker Who loves Jesus, his family, children America, and unsourced parables “MAKE THIS THE BEST YEAR EVER! HOO-AH!”
Doughnuts and foam cups of coffee
The coaches sit in the back reading the sports pages And Campbell’s Texas Football – a point of privilege English teachers count split infinitives in the program “LET’S ALL HOLD HANDS AND SING OUR ALMA MATTER [sic]!”
Doughnuts and foam cups of coffee
Generally speaking I’m against the death penalty I’d make an exception for motivational speakers