It was a romantic dream you had that we'd wake up to birdsong together, but you turned them into your sirens and sung your battle cry from the shower as I prepared for you to finish up and start our breakfast warfare. With a mock shooting action you presented soldiers and pretended to throw eggs like grenades, so it made sense you told me they were your speciality. I would choose the non violent option, obviously, but always ended up wincing into my coffee that you made, too strong so that I'd bruise my lips as I drank. A 'labour of love' you called it, trying try to trade a kiss for morning vitamins or to soothe the bruises on my mouth. I'd fend you off with a teaspoon, drop sugar cubes in my cup like bombs. I could only smile your way if I held a croissant upside down over my mouth, but you always had a smile because you loved our breakfast warfare.
This is my final edition, I think. I was going to perform it but I missed out on the chance, but it'll come around again! Either way, this is the version of this I like best. Also, it's either a love poem about no one in particular or about how I am NOT a morning person. And people who like mornings are not okay. not okay.