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Sep 2013
two days.
that's all it took.
two days without a word from you.
and you invaded my dreams.
it was raining.
the streets empty.
deserted. sad.
like a sepia toned photograph.
of you.
walking away into a garden of nothingness.
a void.
two days and i felt that void.
its intensity shocked my senses like an epicenter.
i ran after you.
kept screaming your name.
but you didnt even glimpsed.
then you stopped.
you're fading.
like embers burning.
lighting the spaces between each glare.
i am seeing you in every direction.
sparks. flashes.
images. memory.
i am missing you.
your innocence in this obscenity.
your truth in these lies.
and your hand against mine.
then i saw your smile.
like a postcard from heaven.
but when all my inhibitions were starting to fade.
the wind blew you away.
except for one ember that kept on floating around.
i grabbed it.
a picture of your eyes.
staring at me.
i knew it was yours.
nobody looked at me the way you do.
with loving stare so inviting and assuring.
maybe in your silence i am remembered.
myabe in your silence i should remember.
i saw you in that dream.
saw you looking at me.
like no one does.
so like the embers.
i will fade away.
lighting the path.
remembering at last.
my path towards you.
Kyle Andree Ore
Written by
Kyle Andree Ore  Philippines
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