Whilst camouflaged The Golden Dragonfly With emerald eyes And rubies, and diamonds Upon it's wings, and tail Slept And whilst it slept It dreamed And within its dream It wandered Flying over a turquoise pool The Golden Dragonfly Began to ponder On its existence And wondered why It was a dragonfly But then she saw her own reflection On the soft rippling blue water As she became aware Of her own beauty And instantly found An inner tranquility Just at that moment As is the way of dreams A long rolling tongue Shot out And swallowed the Golden Dragonfly whole The frog Had no other thought Than to feast The Golden Dragonfly Then woke up Relieved That it had only been a dream But now Also aware That it now had conscious thought Beyond its natural instinct And at first Felt quite afraid Looking around its surroundings First making sure That there were no frogs around It glanced up And realised It was attached To the outer skin Of a curious looking creature Some kind of giant With hair flowing In the soft zephyr breeze And without realising Spoke to the giant "What are you?" The giant Looking startled Had obviously wondered Where the small voice was coming from The Golden Dragonfly Spoke again "Are you going to eat me?" The giant Then realised where The voice was coming from Looked around before answering Whispered, "No!" The Golden Dragonfly Accepted that this was at least true "My name is Lucianne" said the Golden Dragonfly Not knowing, until that moment That she had a name "My name is Petra" said the giant With the long flowing hair "I don't understand how it is possible to be conversing with a dragonfly" The Golden Dragonfly Felt the same confusion As it had never conversed with anything, ever And never had questions to ask But now The questions came quicker Than her wing beats The giant spoke again "You are welcome to remain on my waistcoat" "And we can speak more, when we get to my home" At that moment A sudden gust of wind Blew the Golden Dragonfly Off the waistcoat Into some dense undergrowth And within this undergrowth Sat a frog And in an eye blink A long rolling tongue shot out And swallowed the Golden Dragonfly Whole The giant, named Petra Searched the undergrowth For several hours Shouting out for Lucianne Other giants around Became concerned When Petra explained That she was looking for A talking Golden Dragonfly called Lucianne Petra would often return to the park But never again Did she see, or hear The Golden Dragonfly again