whenever uneasy i have to escape into the deutsche zunge... i could escape into *****... but i rather not...
among shadows and beasts... i bellow a whimper... a sigh of relief... among shadows and beasts... i lay my head upon a stone... in the darkest of night... darker than any possible revitalizing sleep...
in my night of nights... among shadows, beasts, echoes... i find my hand tricking me with "speaking"... as i find my tongue, also, tricking me... with licking ice... as i also find my eye glued to grieving with a blinking imitation of sight... my ears are allowing my brain to dance... because i married the four winds and became: focus... i became praxis... the ad hoc...
what a painful experience for anyone to supplement any other, of the settled crown of all things unsettling... what little bores become great obstructions... what i feel when drunk: stale... adherence to sober intellect is such an empty quest... me? i feel i'm being a boor... being sober... i need to be hindered... somehow...
FAUN: alba II... now i don't feel like writing in dojcz...
unter schatten und biester... ich brüllen ein wimmern... ein seufzen von hilfe... mein hertz kann splitter... und: es muss! ich kann nicht liebe aber eine sein!
all that is night is: calm! alle das ist nacht ist: ruhe! das ist mich!
ich legen mein kopf auf ein stein wie ein blutegel... blood-draining concentration... gravity+... im (die) am dunkelsten... nacht... dunkler als alle möglich revitalisierend schlafen...
my hope: for the whiteness of the skull that's the moon and his half... and his innermost fullness...
mein hoffnung: für die weiße von die totenkopf das is die mond und seine halb... und seine innerste vollständigkeit:
gravitating toward: scarce: by dictate of orbit... this height of the summer months are impossible for me!
unmöglich für mich!
MAGER?! this world will be inherited by Arabs... Asians and Africans... i don't want to live in this world... i plan... to not live in it... i'm ******* off... but? i'm planning to **** as many Turkish girls as possible... Turkish... ****- + -stani... Sari donning willing to send you nudes without actually meeting up with them... i guess you'd classify me as a ****-boy...
w DOJCZ: IM DEUTSCHE... in German... i'm out... better ******* playing Blackjack than playing Poker... Blackjack was always more fun... oh look... **** me... no Zeppelins... a more cleverly orchestrated "take-over"... a "take-over" that also required the entire world to come and... ahem... "have a look"...
it lasted longer than i expected... it's those revealing eyes of a "Judas" / Brutus... they're looking elsewhere... forward... you're orientating yourself concerning a newly established fathoming of a circle... but her eyes speak: STRAIGHT LINE... i'm moving on... really? as a *******? there's someone... ahem... "behind" me? someone willing to perform oral *** on you? cling your arms... while ******* on a well performed oyster squeezed... mmm... mmm...
really?! i'm not the Jack the Ripper type... i don't believe in hierarchies... but i do believe in the hierarchy of giving pleasure per se... you go against that... we're having to experience problems... why would i go against my way to perform oral *** on a *******... give her an ******... to later receive arguments: oh... maybe... this that... and other... she wanted to go on a hotel date with me... **** me for free...
that's when she refrained from the supposition... that's when i decided to have a *******... **** it... i'm not: WAITING! come to think of it... i had to check... threesomes are unlike pornographic ventures... i could only summon a hand-job and being ****** off into the other girls cleavage... no... two women at the same time is too distracting... you need chemicals to give you a split awareness...
personally?! i abhorred ******* two girls at the same time... you're sort of ultra-schizophrenic... pulsating wrong... you're stroking a cat while... attempting to attach a leash to a dog... it's ******* wrong: in the ******* most sense of ******* sense of wrong... sure... most men lie: oh... i managed to **** two girls at the same time... and?!
i had problems... dictating what's the grandest allure of attention for simply one... because?! that's what was missing! i want one! i was like Solomon with Queen Sheba! i just wanted one! but i guess Solomon was lucky... paradoxically... i try to laugh... imagining... King David and that only Psalm he would ever write... so? no more constipated creativity... or just... sitting one's *** on laurels?! what then?!
the impossibility to stop writing the impossibility of the possibility of: oops! wasps! ****! octopi! ****! giraffes! drunk geniuses! hippos! Greenland blind sharks! dolphins! Kosher salt... Kashmiri chilli powder... cumin... ******... i.e. poppy-seeds... big Pharmaceutical Kicks & Kings... music! silence! a Somali pirates' smile... a European 20s girl psychotic self-importance... glass! windows! winter and her winds! lollies... and lilies... lilac and lavender! purple and all that's auburn... the history of perfecting making mistakes!
for the love of dreaming about teeth! last few dreams that's what i only dreamed about: teeth! either chattering... jaw-line or standing proud like Colossus of Rhodes!