I was driving to work the other day when I saw a man standing on the corner, He was holding a sign that read, "My Ex-Wife had a better lawyer, please help"
How could I be the judge and the jury when everyone in my life is trying to convict me of a crime in which I would never plead guilty
Seven. For the number of times my brain whispered into my ear, asking me to stop breathing
Six. For the beginning of the address where you decided to.
Five. For the age I was when I first realized you were a monster.
Four. For the number of holes you put in the wall.
Three. For the number of times you went through detox.
Two. For the number of years I thought I missed you after you died.
One. The number of years until your silver anniversary with my mother.
Zero. For the amount of times you woke up after I told you that I hated you the night before.
50% of marriages in the United States end in divorce, I remember riding in the car with my mom when I was 14, We were driving through the center of town on our way back home, Suddenly she started crying, This moment became a key memory for me. She said the words, "We wouldn't have even gotten to 25. I prayed that I could make the decision to get out. But I just wanted a divorce, I didn't want him to die."