What does it mean to be a modern man? In the way in the Renaissance you were a renaissance man? What is the condition? Let's check in. Because you see, I think it's the condition of a reservist in waiting waiting and waiting to be necessary. For a wolf to chase off, or a meal to catch. But instead, we're opening jars. We're reaching high shelves. We're changing light bulbs, and plunging *******. We're taking out the trash. We're battling for our right to grow 'stache. We're getting **** on at work. And when we get home, you won't let us **** on you. I mean literally, I saw it on the internet. There's girls out there that will let you **** on them. Maybe even, for free. But we go to sleep unhappy. We go to a *******. We fantasize about that chick in the yoga pants. We get drunk and wish we could club baby seals and burn down churches because we have a rage that can't be contained in a fist. We **** if we think we can get away with it. We still cringe when we hear our mother.
Some of us hang ourselves in attics, in barns, in public. Or gas ourselves in cars in the garage we never took full advantage of. Some of us drive cars into trains, off bridges, into crowds of screaming people. Some of us still cut ourselves like teenage girls. Although it does sound nice sometimes. Just.. BLAU **** it. Yea, I'll have another Hoss.