A dark, empty classroom. Sitting here alone, feeling no different than when it was full.
I've never been scared like this before, not until now, never has someone known my secrets Never has someone known how damaged I am. It terrified me. My poetry, my true heart, sewn together with scraps, splayed out for strangers to see. But that's just it, strangers. I'll never have to come face to face with them, I'll never have to hide and blatantly lie to them. But what happens when I come face to face with someone who knows my writing best?
I felt scared. I was worried this past-stranger would let something slip
The people I see daily must never know I'm hurt, must never know my nights of insomnia are filled with tears, and must never question my bitter humor.
But I was lucky, lucky that the stranger, like everyone else, simply doesn't care.
I look at this empty classroom, desks in shambles and dusty books with plain walls,
it sends an eerie shiver up my spine with the creeping question of "what if?"
What if someone cared? I can only pray that will never happen.