Exhale smoke rings of equations and formulas revealing answers only discovered with the liberation death brings Disperse your arsenal of gray matter upon me While I absorb your reality T.V. and high school science projects Accepting an empty proposal Negotiation always on your terms You spit game with out passion
Inhale sentences of herbal essences-- Burning like open flame on my voice, stealing my breath Never stumbling over mistakes or transgressions Dominating any and all fields of study with which you choose to fill your brainpan I submit unwillingly in this prison, in this prison for eternity.
How enveloping This overload of pumping adrenal glands, excreting testosterone and overzealously prejudiced masculinity Lack of understanding for femininity and sensible comfortability
Close your eyes Heavy lies the head that wears the crown So content atop a pillow bursting at the seams with $20's 1, 2, 3. Knife. Fork. Spoon. Drifting Hundred dollar bills bouncing over the moon holding the cow's hand as you count your materialistic disguised happiness.