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Jun 2022
At first sight
Breathless I sat as you walked across the court yard towards where I sat
Awaiting upon your arrival
I was in my confidence to your dismissal
In shock, breathless
Time slows
For all surrounding crowds
Seeming to disappear
As time went on
My heart never seemed
So alive until I looked into your eyes
Attentiveness captivating me
Smile so sweet and forgiving
My nervousness that which I could not keep hidden
Sitting across from each other
Walking side-by-side
You were still pulling me in without a touch
Breathless still
When we parted
No kiss goodbye
But a comforting warm long hug to part
Months has passed
Still with a glips of your eyes
Accompanied with long kisses of hello and goodbye‘s
Happily I stay breathless
Poly Via
Written by
Poly Via  40/F
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