Our want should not Surpass our needs! Prone to podsnappery , The term human race , Contrary to popular belief Is not a communal competitive Relay with the trophy of prosperity to all whomsoever Shall win..... Infact there is no destination at all. This gauntlet we run is tribunal! Let me ask you this....... Will "we" ever mean "all" ? I mean it does when I say We have to have something To take the focus away from our deeds. So the day we decided that we need a leader ....... Was a day of infamous treachery. With our mouth we said , "It is our wish to bow down and Become followers...... In our hearts as individuals we said ," I don't want to be held accountable"! My own heartbeat disturbs me Like a muffled drum I hear the chant from everyone , So long ago ...... I guess it could be said that "our"ancestors may have done some questionable things ....... Listen ...... Not my family though , No! And that's not me ...... We were on your side..... Belief is in the eyes of the controller .... Gass lit , "we " "the people" Pretend to be hypocrite, eminent domain , manifest destiny! Sons and daughters, Mother's and father's elders and babies, **** pillage and slaughter....... Red man Blacks and Jews, Just to remind you that even pedigrees have flees .... "We" are nothing As long as we follow the scapegoats bleats . Sycophants in denial , We leave a trail of unimaginable grief ....... For what? Money ? That isnt real! Imaginary boundaries ? "They" are different ? "We" are better ? Are we ? Who are we? I am me Being different is what makes us the same. Let's not try! Let's "be" SAME TEAM" It's my dream .. I know I'm not the only one!