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May 2022
Hogarth, was a troll
Normally a very friendly troll
Unless he was hungry
When he was hungry
He wasn't friendly at all
He once ate a cyclist, bicycle and all!
But the cyclist, leapt out of the mouth of the troll
As the troll, was on a stroll
And felt quite full, after eating the bicycle whole
The wheels of the bicycle broke loose
As the troll burped, and farted, like a goose
Then the pedals turned around, within the trolls tum
As the troll was cleaning his ears, with his big troll thumb
Then the troll farted again, which rang the bicycle bell
The troll then tripped, and over he fell
And just as he snorted, out of his snout
All the parts of the bicycle, were suddenly blown out
The gap in his tum , was just an empty hole
Saw his reflection, in a pool, he was no longer a troll
His colour from being, a slimy greeny, green
And his big troll ears, could no longer be seen
He now had big pouty lips, and watery eyes
A dark emerald skin, And a long tongue, for catching flies
Then realised he wasn't looking at his reflection in a pool
It was a rather large toad, he felt such a fool
So he wandered off home, to under a bridge
And ate a caterpillar sandwich, he'd left in the fridge!

by Jemia
Written by
Jemia de Blondeville  63/Transgender Female/hastings
(63/Transgender Female/hastings)   
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