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May 2022
i mean: i can sit for about two hours drinking cider:
strong cider... Weston's cider comes in at 8.2%:
but unlike the equivalent of a strong beer...
well... the stronger the cider is: the drier it is...
it's not as sweet as that Irish one or that Swedish
one... at around 5%... it's too sickly sweet...
the genius of a good bottle of cider is when it tries
to imitate the strength of wine...
but two hours... sifting through a wide range of music...
dark-wave, post-punk...
    new-wave... a return to daft punk:
    the best time i ever had was listening to some daft
punk while having rolled my first marijuana cigarette...
lying on the floor next to my bed in Edinburgh
and convulsing with laughter...
   i guess the better drug was the fact that i was alone...
but three bottles in and still nothing...
you can write anything if you can't tap into the music
you're listening to...
    (a) i need to switch gears... drank the cider...
moved onto the whiskey... o.k., now i'm feeling something...
and (b) i need music i associate with a thrill...
the thrill of a crowd...
    what are two main songs stadiums play
just when they realise the people are flooding the stadium?
usually it's either right here right now
by fat boy slim or... it's faithless' insomnia:
or that other song... we come one...
    and that's the prompt... now i'm feeling something...
it's like... you've been arranging something
in your head for the past two yours...
then the music prompt: the dam breaks and out comes
a cascade of words...
you pull the rubber-string up to the moment where
it might snap... and then: release!

i was so lucky having sat through last night's
thunder and lightning storm...
it was glorious to watch...
   i always wanted to capture a photograph
of: the roots of the sky... those white streaks of...
i'm sure that fire speaks...
   you can hear fire speaking in the fireplace...
by the crackling of the wood...
you can hear water speak: by the sound of a rushing
river or the bashing over the waves
as it fights the element of ear...
you can hear the earth speak through earthquakes,
hell: you can also hear water speak
   in an avalanche...
     but lightning... lightning is the fifth element...
isn't it?
               electricity is not exactly heat:
heat is the byproduct of electricity...
           electricity being the technical term for what
inspired man: or rather the second "Prometheus"
of Norse mythology... when Thor broke Odin's heart
and brought down lighting to the people...

you can read intellectuals, philosophers, poets...
journalists... it's about standing outside of all space and time...
electricity wasn't invented...
you can hear lightning... but at the same time:
i once saw a stroke of lightning... but didn't hear
the thunder... because i also didn't see or feel any rain fall...
i call that: taubtrockenblitz...
                   i forget what i would want to go to the cinema...
if there was one... that showed old black & white
films from the 50s and the 60s...
better still: those early acrylic looking colour
films from the era of Technicolour...
          i was in a cinema last night...
           i felt like a demigod...
                  everyone in my vicinity was asleep while
i was sitting through a lightning and thunder storm
and rain drinking with a smile on my face
like i might have just discovered the continent of
America in a can of sardines!

oh the thunderous disgruntlement... the sky is hungry:
some words sound better in other languages...

burczy mi w brzuchu (my stomach is growling...
    stomach rumbling)... buRRRRczy...

what's a HABAN? or an OSIŁEK?
   a male... who's strong... well built...
i'd prefer the former term than the later...
since the latter is etymologically tied to donkey:
i.e. OSIOŁ...

there are plenty of other peoples...

  - but that's how it goes... i need a prompt: song...
and until i'm finished what i've started:
right here right now... is currently on repeat...
i can't concentrate my writing if i have
to listen to the entirety of an album...
just one song: on a loop...

         most of the time: it's just a piece of a song...
because i need to concentrate...
i need to relive an atmosphere...
associated with a song...
              the size of the crowd at Wembley
is the perfect example when this song comes on...
i'm usually bound to tapping to the rhythm with
my feet... or if i'm bound to a vicinity
of a railing: i'll be using my hands...

currently there's work to be done in the garden...
i have my "great wall of China" of kango
(i never thought that the origins
of the noun for this tool was in Japanese:
Chinese language - カンゴ...

    why the special status of the letter N
in Japanese?!
switching songs... from fat boy slim to daft punk's
robot rock...
the N stand-alone among the vowels...
the only time you can actual write the indefinite
article that is complicated with a word
that begins with a consonant... not this time round:
you wouldn't write: with an consonant...
with A... consonant...

                    that's a massive mistake...
the N is employed when the indefinite article
encounters a word that begins with a vowel:
you can say: a fox...
    but you can't say a aeroplane...
        you have to stress: aN aeroplane...
                it's like a divorce from the ancient world
of the diphthong of the vowels...
i know some modern diphthongs...
but they're consonant related...
in english... SH... that's a diphthong...
you could SH as you might couple CH:
you get sheep and chatter...
   subtle... the apparent surd "nature" of the H...
i ascribe it to the Hebrew deity...
or... is it the Zipporah way...
                   the Midian woman...
    from the known smiths... origins bound to Cain...

why then... the Japanese place such high esteem
for the consonant N?
that it's: this: ン - the only stand-alone consonant...
with the vowels

ア(a) イ(i) ウ(u) エ(e) オ(o)
ナ(na) ニ(ni) ヌ(nu) ネ(ne) ノ(no)
アン(an) イ­ン(in) ウン(un) エン(en) オン(on)

and it's almost like for the "first" time you
can write the Latin prefix un-
   and write the English word: on...
and in... and... an...
                    and... AIN...


                  whatever the soph implies...
i'm not bothered...
i need one H as the vowel catcher and the other
H as the instigator of laughter...

the work in the garden isn't even finished...
from here to there: i feel like being undercut
in my labour working in Auschwitz...
but i enjoy it... it means i don't have to cycle...
i get to prep the most cut of steak meat...
if i **** up: cooking a piece of steak?
i'm toast...
medium rare...
two of them are thicker cut than the third...
three minutes one side...
nothing but sea salt and pepper...
three minutes one side... two minutes the other
side... max...
i don't cut up the garlic...
i crush it... i like bold pieces of garlic in my mouth:
pockets of garlic...
plenty of butter... fries from the ol' chippy from
Friday: kept well in the fridge... can reheat them...

but i can't doubly butcher this beef...
i can't eat it well done...
it's one thing being a Hindu and not eating
beef... but it's another...
eating beef steaks well done...
why not?! try the alternative option:
of roast pork?!
if you're eating a steak: you want all the juice!
i'm a great fan of steak tartar...
i need to order a bleu steak sometime...
see if the people serving me get it right...

so why is N so special in Japanese?
   her name is Anna...
                         it's almost like watching Muslims
pray... the segregation of women from men...
the vowels are the women and the consonants
are the men...
but it's not that easy as simply that...
since vowels are free-standing...
and most men are free-standing bachelors...  

there's work to be done in the garden...
today i shifted half a tone of soil from pint x
to point y...
  the skip is still waiting for next week's Tuesday...
sooner me performing manual labour
than going to the gym...
   another half a tonne moved by tomorrow...

but for the past months: three? four?
the bane of my existence...
   a smartphone...
with what i can only describe as a "disappearing" screen...

the bane of my "existence":
the disappearing act of half of my screen turning
black... i was supposed to check it out...
get it "fixed"...
oh wow... what's "this" flickering at the bottom
of it?
a deficient app? Samsung Pay...
it kept flickering and...
readily... eating away at my screen...
whenever it was something work
related i had to switch: flip.... left to right...
right to right... to find the entirety of the *******

what was "bothering" my smartphone...
it's like with the invention of the internet...
you sometimes get this one troll
that thinks it's... permitted: to talk to a stranger
without consequences...
that's what the internet was invented for?
this... anonymity cult?!
that's why the telephone was invented:
to make prank calls!

            three or so months with my smart-phone
screen being completely black-out...
i managed... only recently i noticed that flicker
of hope...
i have to solve this problem myself...
so this app: Samsung Pay was doing
all matters of haywire...
i wasn't using it...
but it was flickering...
like... bad recipes for advertisement at
Piccadilly Circus...
              strobe lightning:
zombie epileptics dropping dead...

    if i still hold sway on my bladder
or my pen... i'm good to go!

                            life is as much little as is required
for "things" not becoming enlarged...
life small is kept manageable...
i know my father is envious when it comes
to my "work": he hates the idea that i get
paid for seeing... Tyson Fury glance...
he didn't properly upper-cut Whyte...
he glanced him...
   and i get paid... for seeing the "history"...
he might be less jealous if i were a plumber...

today has become a terrible day to write:
   i want my liver splintering into
pain and... mollusks oozing pornographic juices...
i'm waiting for Saturday...
it's not that i even hate the people i work
with... they just like me...
which i find suspect...
             i rather be liked and find it suspicious
than... not being liked and not finding it
i don't even think it's related to being liked:
i think it's more related to:
lose me in London... or Athens...
    i'd be perfectly alright...
i'd wreck Warsaw... i hate Warsaw...
i turn into a feral creature in that town...
          why? i'm always travelling through it...
i'm never going to... stop and admire something...

there's nothing in that city i want to admire...
i just want to get out!
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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