I crossed the river, I am on the other side, I swam, I almost drowned but I survived. The end of the road, my end result, Is only just an award for the true beginning.
I will be free, I am now in a bigger cell, The sadness that troubles me is that I just out of Hell. Patronizing the remembrance, the pain I have endured, A sinner with an influence and a job to secure.
Fatigue is a part of my daily routine and career, I see in time my talents gained are increased and shared. Yes the road of such journey has ended, But there's much to cover and for many branch have been mended.
Home sweet home is a call of a distant traveler, Grey skips, crying on the window pane I'm not a lone passenger. I have grind and made it to the end of the road, The end result is victorious and hundreds to be off load.