Indulge yourself , Drink from this cup That Alice just left me, Do you see what I see? I see me wondering why ? Why do I create a third person Within my mind , Only to view , silently ..... Me . Looking spry and dressed well, Giving the wisest council to broken hearted friends or family Wellll I guess to anybody... And almost simeoutanesly In view of those people years in advance , Prospered well from it.... And discussing it amongst each other and my heart feeling Vindicated by seeing the admirations from the third person....... So why is it from my heart I see my mind as something great, Full of wisdom and the humblest person I know ... I know lol. With certain assets in certain aspects I can shine like the facets of a jewel .... when my mind views my heart.... Long heavy sigh ....... It's a fool, A tool, Not cool ..... Slight left side drool . I'm goin to sleep . And then I think .... Hmmmm If I had another brain....... It would be lonely.......