Your liveliness sweetens the way the dragon fruit you grow sweetens the tongue Your smile lights up the room the way those fireflies you caught for your grandchildren did Your laugh dances the way a summer breeze makes the leaves on the ba la tree dance
You forgave all our mistakes You always wiped away our tears You always made sure everyone is feeling okay You stood by our side for all these years
Though you are 15 hours away I still hope to see you someday In your crop garden, standing by the bubbling stream Instead of being on a small phone screen
But for now I will try to… Be the dragon fruit that sweetens everyday lives Lighten up the room the way your fireflies did Laugh the way the summer breeze makes the leaves dance
Try to let bad moments go And replace tears with hugs The way you did when we were young I will try to be a shelter, stand by love’s side The way you were my haven, the way you stood by mine I will try to… Live the way you taught me how to live Like a dragon fruit, like fireflies, and like summer breezes
Another poem from "The Calls of the Magie and Eagle"
This poem is dedicated to my grandpa (again had to edit some things because mandarin isn't allowed on this website). But yeah, my grandpa is such a kind, caring, and gentle person. I wish I could see him in person some day and I love him lots!