“The pity of war. The pity war distilled” - Wilfred Owen
When the rising sun breaks The curves and slants Of the Rockies’ eastern horizon, Gold and crimson rays cloak the Western fields and mountains With a rich florescent mantle.
Birds greet the emergent light With their sweet and cheerful calls Of greetings to the nascent day. A small gathering of does and fawns Pause to graze for a spell beneath the luminescent sky.
Harmony, balance and peace Seem to rule the entire earth But we know sadly better my friends. Distant cousins who would Otherwise pass a pleasant meal Gun each other down Like effigies in a sick carnival game.
How can we dare to hope? How can we ever dare to heal? How can we muster the courage To burn our homicidal pride On the altar of love and justice?”
Listen to the sounds of healing breezes Or hear a newborn infant’s cry. We are all the same, my friends Beneath the gold and crimson sky And Godparents and Godchildren Of all another on this azure globe Drifting through infinity.