How peculiar is it that which tempts me lies in icy blue panther-like orbs -the clearest deepest purest brightest blue I’ve yet to come across- and words that dance like 18th-century aristocrats -balancing baubles and gaud on their faux hair waltzing and marching in highly practiced steps about an opulently furnished and lit facility with glistening fountains and marble floors echoing flirtations and strings and heels and sneezes into embroidered handkerchiefs- and how desire has strayed from maintained eye contact and prolonged gentle kisses and subtle smirks of amusement -bordering on genuine happiness- and I’m sure that even if you were to sweep in again declaring poetry and romance with roses in your hand and one between your teeth -glittering with all the fantasy an idealistic Me would have swooned for and adored- or even if you were to creep in again confessing exploration and emotion with wildflowers pressed in a book filled with soul-searching entries and personal revelations -glowing subtly with the authenticity all secretly wish to find even a shadow of- I wouldn’t want any of that now: I’m drawn to that which dies quickly but while alive is full of life— love has been tabled for a much later day.