it started with a sense of a soft glow, a soft heart a soothing subtle warmth and inherent trust
the heart grows fonder under water swelling with it all
Becoming its own ocean it grows heavy
but we are born of breath and ever air and light as one could be
the mind is tidal tumult, earth nestled a thunderstorm in a closed off room at times
we are weather before we find we are forever, shifting, but divine i doubted, but the signs kept coming i doubted, but Love did not Spirit never tarried and I was never truly lost
a warm wind, northward bound the sunlight nourishing evaporating sorrow, creating spring the sun let seeds sown blossom
i was inundated and exhausted resting in rain and shade full of fear that thunder could shake and split the earth i grew from
but, always harboring faith, i grew
it started with a sense of ease and ended with a shout in celebration
now my only storms are joyful tears quenching earth