I once met a man who read my bellybutton. He told me that the two horizontal lines meant I have internal and external insecurities. I scoffed at the idea that those things could disappear from mortal souls. He then pointed to the bottom vertical line, the most noticeable, and told me that meant my biggest insecurity was my reproductive organs.
I smiled small. Should I tell him about the dead baby or instead of the riley women who have male dependency. I chose the latter, for Im not sure if the kid is still dead. I could hear her screams in late night alleys for two years after. She haunts my horror dreams, singing we could have lived happily ever after.
Instead, Ill chose the story of my stepfather who called me a ***** and cried to my mother that I was trying to ****** him with training bras and black eye liner.
'Did he hurt you?' 'of course, but so did my mother- and I've learned to forgive those who chose life over freedom.'