we were like two out of round wheels, on a three wheeled death machine, we wobbled through our teens years, you with a record collection, me with my military zeal, and the cadet life appealed to me, you went to Washington State University I joined the Canadian Armed Forces
We would cross paths not swords, from time to time, which no longer go slowly We would say with words, but seldom heard what the other had said, eh?
The canyons of time has a sense of humour, and a better sense of live long and get grey hair, the distance between us after three point six decades is less than twenty minutes by car yeah, we connect on the usual social media, and we laugh, we cry, we like each others status the wharf our boats bob at is like an aged lattice work and no cost for the mooring rights, it is gratis
glad you are doing well, you still have that bite in your words when you type and your record collection is the largest and is well worth the hype but the times and what we had may never be the same as the past, I am no longer soldiering and you still are a friend, once for all and at last.