There once was a person Head over aerial, but what for? He terribly glanced over the view of statues Then back to his shoes once more
Hiding from his eyes He stumped the glories over words of gold Read it with his anvil sharper than mine Digging his own words has cost him his bold
Now the man starts to wonder The meaning of tears and ****** remorse Blazing in the thought did the man once more Looked down to the soil his words bore
Now says one in all of thunder’s will "Bury the Jews...”, and little does the ****’s mind knows The man had no words, no glory nor blunders 'Death without a handbook' is what he brought
The earth now crumbles in the passion of **** And now the god vilify to him for words But now he smiles in hopes for tears to ricochet Why god? Why be cruel without a pulse?
In the end, that's all he can do in the mist The heartless compassion to level the soul Bury a soul or two for you to judge Why hasn't the man buried himself already?.....