makeup couldn't hide that ugly personality and callow disposition
all crop tops, glitter dresses, ripped jeans, white vans sate your vanity through instagram platitudes and stepping on others
xoxo, you played scalpel tic-tac-toe on his unbroken heart oh but the next game, my dear, the next game? will be on my time with pieces of your body being the ****** betting chips
unsurprising that manipulating someone made you feel better about your worthless manic pixie dream girl self
skinny jeans aren't skinny enough to fix your bulimic soul you've walked the tightrope far too long my glittered sequined circus star and when you fall (and you ******* will), this crowd will afford you no sympathy only laughter and a sarcastic spotlight on your mascara pity party
i hope you get an eating disorder.
any resemblances to real persons are purely intentional.