I was feeling scared Alone, afraid of what the week would bring So I retreated Back to bed and dreamed a little dream Thank you so, subconscious You've made me so much better This dream, This wish From tips of tongues before they have been uttered Oh the hope it brings And how it seems to wash away my fears Distractions, old but not forgotten symbolized in recent dreams Bittersweet, the one who left but it's okay I guess I'd say I learned a lesson, wish it hadn't been with him but hey, whatever Anyhow, it's him who comes to me to save me from my thoughts It's in my dream he comes and says he'd like to go down to an island In my dreams before, I guess, there is a path I'd often traveled "Come with me" I say and grab his hand as we go to an island ****** Islands; two hundred and fifty plus miles from where I stand But in the dream, ventured familiar, through a gate and through another These sandy beaches, paradise, especially with present company And so a kiss he plans to give and it is not a lucid dream He wants to kiss me, not the other way around, this has importance I know we'll continue this charade in dreams of mine; unlikely Waking comes before we reach the first gate, try to keep my eyes shut Snap, back in bed in this small town, oh well, and truly that's okay Because... because? That dream, it whispers things... of things... Things yet to be.