As the sun sets behind the clouds and the once warm weather becomes cold I begin to wonder exactly how many sunsets have ended just like this the sun’s rays glimmering perfectly off of the water the rowdiness of the children’s voices slowly diminish and a gentle breeze that waves with the leaves seems to guide us all home
“Another day, another dollar” I always say forgetting most of the time to bask in the radiance of this beauty because in a year or two, it’ll be nothing but a memory sweet recollections of simplicity and yet for some, these are the best years that life has to offer
Simple days basking in the summer rays on a fresh patch of grass, taking in and inhaling the very essence of relaxation or exploring the world and discovering the many secrets that it holds for it may not change you, but in time it will help you mold the person you will be, and the people around you so I beg you, please, embrace the day.
Sometimes I’m too caught up in the future to enjoy what’s right in front of me So today I picked up my pencil and I took a minute to describe it took a moment to decide if I’d let this moment fade with the rest and ignore it while the sunset