I've held us together When we're falling apart With copious amounts of Duct tape and super glue I held on tightly Until my fingers were cramping But I'm starting to think It's time to let go
I wrote you some poems You can find on my page That explained how I'd never give up And I know they're all lies Because in this moment I wouldn't just let go I'd push, I'd shove, I'd ****** you from me This isn't what friendship is like
Your one word answers still hurt When I pour my heart out to you And I'm still thinking you don't care Until you have something to tell Do you listen to me at all? It's been six years, but I never asked. Am I even your best friend? Or am I your personal punching bag?
I'm tired of you breaking my ideas Of you raining on my parade Because if I did the same I know you'd ignore me for days upon days So this is me saying "Farewell" I'm detaching myself from you I'm not an extension of you anymore I know know nothing about you.