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Sep 2013
After a year and 9 months of fighting for your life
You have now been told that it is coming to an end
And soon there will be a horrific end after all your strife
And you are starting to think there is nothing left to defend
But you can’t lose hope after fighting for this long
After this long battle, you can’t show signs of defeat until it’s over
Because you never know because you can prove those doctors wrong
You overcome what they said and live the life you wanted to cover

All I want to tell you is to not give up on yourself and push on
I wish that I was there with you right now and I would do anything to see you
Just don’t lose hope and believe that you can still make it
Because I believe that you have the strength to make it through
But the only person that can make it possible, is you
So please, do not lose hope and just throw in the towel early
And keep pushing until you can’t push any longer
If you do go down, at least go down fighting and not give up
Written to cheer up my girlfriend, Sarah, who is fighting Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and was told last night that she only has 6-12 months to live. I tell her not to lose hope and to keep fighting because I KNOW that she has the strength to prove these doctors wrong. I love her to much to lose her...
Brett W
Written by
Brett W
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