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Dec 2021
The sooty frequent of the machinations of the Skotádi or Darkness were systematized with Vernarth genuflecting before the Mashiach, poking himself in the Verses that are of draconian dipsomania and Manumission “Here is that spirit that haunts us by showing itself the smooth eruv of the Kathartírio; right here leaving their feet and heads that have been given to the Lord ..., here I have been anointed by him to also bring conversion and merciful news together with my Lord Apostle Saint John who has guarded me, who has removed the bandages from my hallucinated eyes, being trans mortal among the captives and galley slaves that with their chains have broken your tympanum, my beloved Mashiach, like a whale of whales stranded by your bleeding saliva! What greater power is over me bringing my mother's hand that inhibits my fever of trans mortality, and that makes a heartbeat even after my soul is not essential! Messiah, I am the one who has been in all the concentration camps, I have seen hands torn by the fierceness of human felines, and by the noble pacts that open with their stilettos to the Christians who follow your word ..., I know they will dwell in the afflicted wasteland where the nations rule each other with their gold fangs, and with silver earrings ..., dwelling in the opacity of the burned-out farmhouses in their afflicted famine, only waiting for thousands of transgenerational generations, from which the verse of Liberation will make them exempt from satisfying your appetite, even in the angelus or in the sticky wheat that is forced from the jaws of the Skotádi and the Katarthírio, where forgiveness will be to see and eat what it will cost us a lifetime to pay off what we could not condescend from the burning Mezzo acquire!

In this way it will be channeled under your majestic cloudscape and the surrendered sea of the sacraments in all those who did not make it at birth ..., and neither did they dazzle the depressed sower who will be redeemed from Zion. Everything is an undeclared transgression, but if he lashes twice in the gall of what he is capable of turning away from Suffering, and from the prediction that he declares himself to be pardoned free from the Truth that hides from his woes in adversity, and that continues to struggle under thousands of years for the Kathartírio ..., What is our Purgation that is more than an organism of Superior Light, sleeping and surreptitious in the calluses of those who contaminate their sacred walk for thousands of years through the desert ..., only arranged for those who will find it! indivisibly stigmatized! Do not ****** the Reception Vessel from me, because it is in it are the souls of my foundations that encrypt and underline more than my untied hands in the entire enunciation of its declaration and only in its inverted nomenclature of language. I can only say through my feet, that they are yours my Lord ..., alone and little that nothing coexists ..., it will be more than what I will not know how to say with all my respect, so what has to transform me will channel me into dissimilarities and before my dreams as a pairing of burning crematories on the extended flares that will not end.

Patmia is with her face and derision unmasked, noticing the abysmal restlessness of the alelí, with its imperfect aggravated treachery in what is incapable of persevering when the twilight becomes suppressive in the master key of the burnished ethón, whose most diluted timid will be only the roar of his turpentines that cry out for the Cristus that crystallizes, and dematerializes in chromatic colors that are unpainted from the splendid Sun translucent in the water of the Jordan. What difference will there be in the othones or screens that support their contrasts, if one day there will even be a lack of water for the baptismal of Ein Karem. I will be from a deranged domain where floodgates of hydrous fullness will not open, that fills real nature with the desires to supply what passion does from the top over the Jordan and this in the passion of Keter, as adoration and idolatry of incorporeal Water. Everything pleads about harmonies that are distressed, not holding the rod that measures runaway time in front of the inexorable Thuellai. And what is the knotty thinking, mute in its purposes that are of the sacred lexicon? But my Beloved Confréres let us bind the flavor of the elder root, and of its old painful as beards in the feather that will become feathery springs where its flow will germinate with the compromised berry of dew and vine, totally scattered in the frontal green of the Hexagonal Baptistery of the Shepherds in Ein Karem. Pluri-springs and their eyebrows, they will guttural squalls in the ovaries of their pericarp, but not from the same elderberry that will sprout in eternal life from its irradiated berries, where nothing and nobody will omit its brownish petiole and its late Zoroaster that carries it in his chins as ornaments in the merciful compassionate, before the punishing weak and his bite for everything in whom he does not resent him!

I will cross out the lines of my hands and I will return to where the Shemesh blowing from the Shofar ..., fitting only in my unleashed thoughts ..., with sneers of derision on the plain of a barrel and its berries to save us. In the world, they will fall like wicked towards others who will blame them! I do not know if the vice of hiding traumatizes me behind the tropes that ride dark or carry me over their darkness, and my very image that sacrifices it, or will it be of those who get fed up knowing that there was nothing from me to save ..., only the transformation that is made of the Jordan where they will never again be seen in the river ...! That he dozed next to Peter…, undulating like a cobra and feeling himself say white sin? Nothing is a substitute in the reception that never stops opening floodgates, perhaps expanding in the executive axes of the Apokálypsis, or of a Behina Dalet receiving multisectoral in what is not its equivalent ..., nor in the hatching of its identical disparate, and that nothing and no one will know by any Written or Wisdom rule to be transformed from his oral to his back! A verse will run shaken from the relaxed worldliness, compressing itself with graceful touches in the charities of the Shofar, and of the long sounds of perverted anguish without wavering in what is temporarily suspended, either in clauses overturned before the eyes of anyone, and those who are cowed from the fears that they never knew how to overcome from their own.

The Deus Himation bubbles, surpassing the warmth of what is and is not surnamed in what is a sweaty proverb, even in the solitude of all the patrimonial that has weakened from its plinton, grafting itself on the directive designs that work slavishly to their own compromise. laborious and healthy maternal, complacent of the sap that goes to the following of the mischievous sigueríos or Lost Seas of Capernaum, only washing in the heel where it will never be healed. Nothing more generous than to pursue indulgences in rivers that end of those that are pacified even more at night, when they still seem to flow towards the Shamaim or Heaven of imperishable prayer, as if they were crashing from some runaway and sticky wagons at dawn, but yes grim in the lump of a champion where nothing has ever to be compromised in the glosses of his worst injury!
Jose Luis Carreño Troncoso
Written by
Jose Luis Carreño Troncoso  M/Chile, San Antonio
(M/Chile, San Antonio)   
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