Already so much distraction You're always so close Yet still just out of my reach Like trying to catch smoke You're a freedom flyer
"She dreams of love He lives to run"
You can't contain a snowflake and expect it not to melt and evaporate. This is the science of nature, and thus is the nature of life. However unwilling to alter they seem. Communication is key. It's been lacking My patience waning The edge is near but I'm not weak I refuse to succumb
There's little more satisfying than winning a fight. But how do you expect to win when the referee is a liar? A thief of truth So cold Too proud to admit defeat The only war being waged is within the self-his self. The day is coming upon us that we will not fall But rise in the glory and beauty of love Where the
Loneliness in Ourselves Value Everything
An ethereal utopia A world where there is no defeat A world only big enough for us A world where you will let me set you free
Where nothing is forced but as natural as the mechanics of lungs created to subconsciously allow our meat suits life.