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Dec 2021
This journey that him and I have been on has not been without it’s trials
It’s near misses
It’s almosts
It’s “how about another time?”

It’s been quite a journey these passed few years and I know in my heart that I’m ready for new adventures

He has to stay and go on his own
He can’t come with me this time

It took a long time for me to get to this point, this moment, this freeing moment

And I’ve come out stronger because of it

I had wanted it to be until the end of my life but only made its way to the end of this chapter of my life

I do not grieve it

I do not wish things were different anymore

A journey where we lose people is normal, I do not wish I wasn’t losing him

I wish him well and health

But I wish happiness for me along the way
Julia Supernault
Written by
Julia Supernault  24/F
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