My Christmas stocking left me with overly shocking. That each year was without Christmas joys and oh yet, oh boy... It was an art and out and of doubt. I was ever again each year alone on Christmas already with a frown and wishing it all over by then. Because I can't say Merry Christmas all year around hoping I"ll stay when it's over then.
Some families have Christmas ornaments on a tree. When it'll ever be enough when you'll see me for me.
Some families have traditions while I'll be grateful that I will be wishing them after all while it feels like they're all having a ball.
Some families have dinner at the dinner table but wish someone lighted a candle for me as I'll have dinner but only for me.
Since Christmas has changed and how alone I had felt. Christ was. the only my one in a lifetime gift I started to see those things wishes granted and not take it as it is.
As a Christmas tree as pretty as a bee. Soon a tradition or two was like no other as it was so good to be true and it was still.
As I am now reflecting and smiling at the family table I wouldn't trade it for the world and hope some stay here to say it truth be told.
Before I mattered not the most because there was no time making them a desire from my heart.
Wishing Christmas wasn't alone for her was the best present seen yet to come was for enjoying His presence was a dream lit up like never before.
...And she'd replied with a love that lasted forevermore...
Singing under her mistletoe was the first thing that took away since the very first snow that never be missed.