I have seen the blood stained teeth as big as a man, I have trembled and shook, cowering as I ran, My mind retreated faster than I could run to keep it, In one piece, some days, I can not find even on my knees, It is a disease.
Peace without rest. Time without space. Sure real dreams, life has no meaning. Death evades, but chases me nipping at my heels.
My heart has pounded in my chest wanting to escape the cavity I have become rotting root in my mind does the flesh no good can come of this and my eyes hear what my ears see and I no longer feel and everything tastes like fear. In the air. Around me. Tonight and every night like a light that flickers when the bulb has a bad filament. Like dragons eyes in the deepest night. Waiting for the next time. Soon.
it is late and sleep is better than dragons, but is this really about dragons...