What if I told you I had all the answers. Would you accommodate my allegations Or assume my observations are obsolete? Let's see. What if I told you There are approximately five abandoned houses For every so called vagabond in America. Let's pretend some simple addition could remedy this situation And a few sets of steady hands plus a plethora of dry wall Could dramatically increase the living conditions in these residences And decrease the number of five year olds Who consider dreaming on concrete comfortable. Would you lend a hand? What if I told you That minorities make up the vast majority of inmates in America While corporate crooks who believe distributing the wealth Means purchasing penthouses in every time zone From Ponzi Scheme paychecks Receive bailouts rather than handcuffs. As if felons in white collars are invisible to proper punishment. Would you take the stand? What if I told you Believing in Buddha and his blessings Or the New Testament teachings Is not reason enough to persecute anyone Based on their personal beliefs. Because believe it or not We were all blessed with the ability To show compassion for others regardless of religious indifference. Would you make amends? What if I told you I had none of the answers. That my words were merely that- words. That my call requires actions And answers mean actually acting on abstractions That most people keep inside mental concepts. Would you hear me? Would you help me? What if I told you nothing? Would you listen then?