There is music outside my window in the breeze, when the wind blows bells chime, and conjure up their melody the birds join in chorus, the crows speak
sunlight splits the floating mist somewhere high above me to warm my aching, frozen heart my guides remind me that they love me
i wake each day with a cup of coffee sipping as I clear my mind and soul and occasionally, when the moment’s lovely a heart appears in the emptied vessel
a hint, I think, that I’m not alone, and often, a message too an eye or a tree, for a bird’s eye view or somewhere to stretch my roots
i see numbers, everywhere fours and ones and twos and eights reminding me to take care that when I open, abundance waits
things coincide on the road of life that’s no coincidence for when the mind and soul align there is only resonance
we all join in the cosmic dance when matter forms through music a vibration encompassing endless expanse if only we choose to see it