Have you ever been to a place ,,where the sky touches the ground?; AND;;when you turn around all you see is Scarlet Red..In your deepest thoughts ,,what does it remind YOU of?? Have you ever been to a place in your Life,,,When things were Dark and Gray?? AND;;when you turn around,,all YOU see is pain and strife>>Did you feel the Need to Bow or EVEN P R A Y??? now WOULD be a good time,,No more delay,,Because You're at that Place where the Sky Touches the Ground.. get to that place that you're longing,,and when YOU turn around,,You'll SEE ,,,I'm Still Here with you,,Right where we are...as if WISDOM HERSELF had taken us to this lofty place to peruse with previous unknown clarity,,from this place where the SKY TOUCHES THE GROUND BY:barnoahMike