to fully play out a game of "bad faith": you need to... succumb to something equivalent of cogito-ergo-negatio... thinking within the confines negation... but... to fully play out a game of "good faith": you need to... succumb to something equivalent of cogito-ergo-dubatio... thinking within the confines of doubt: of doubting... to doubt is to somehow "love"... doubt offers the same plethora of emotions that love allows you to entertain... it's no more: i think, therefore i can't doubt my existence... or i think, therefore i also doubt: therefore; i exist... no! how many people think, "think": but at the same time: negate their thinking: yet still exist! good faith: thought + doubt... bad faith: "thought": politics + negation... it's not lying: per se... it's just lying for when a convenience arises... or is: arrived at... if your own thinking can't be persuasive enough: to convince you that you have a moral "obligation": a compass... how many times didn't i think about murdering: no... i didn't think about ******... i thought about... poaching that ******'s hand that unscrewed the bolts on my front wheel... of a bicycle... because he thought i was higher up the hierarchy than he was: come to think of it... i still think about poaching his hand and sitting throughout the next torture of seeing him eat it... i still do... oculus per oculus: an eye for an eye... that's that thrills me... you unbolt the bolts in my bicycle: and i just might... cause a traffic accident: someone else gets blamed for manslaughter? this?! this is the sort of "justice" western society feels like... "feels" like... exporting? i hope they prevent themselves from any export of the kind... the western european man: is not the *******! universal man! some people need a taste for both the hammer & the sickle! it's harsh... but... when wasn't nature... harsh? since Darwin arrived?! Darwin made it quicker: less so... a killer tiger can't make it smoother when compared to man killing man? the tiger itches for food... what does man killing man console? give me the tiger! each night i think of eating: or being given up for food... envy is the footstuff of the gods; as motive... to **** in order to feel this superiority... i'd rather a tiger **** me for: food.... than a fellow man **** me for some said emotion... even if i were the Devil: i would have already lost my quest to abandon the gods and leave it for man to abandon envy.... to hell with man! i would never want man to be this, here, now... to hell with man! so many have passed through the "score".... there is no: universality of man based on the concern to uphold "the west": sorry... there isn't... people want to focus on their: own.