I remember... The excitement and nerves in the air As the stage lights come on and we prepare The sparkle of our pants shines when we are met with cheers While we welcome 2020 the new year Our dragon and lions dance to the drums Our cymbals and gongs beckon people to come We lift each other up to the stars Just like the family that we are
I remember… Hearing children’s laughter And getting ice cream after Goofing off with friends backstage Oblivious of the fact that this was our last page
Who knew that we had taken our final bow? There are only pictures and videos of us now. If I had known that this is the last time the spotlights die I would have said a heartfelt goodbye But all that’s left is the bittersweet taste Of the memories left on our stage
Another one of my creative writing poems. The prompt was "Memories"....This poem was inspired by my last lion dance performance with the Li-Ming Chinese Academy Team. Due to covid-19, we are unable to perform last year and this year. As a senior who graduates this year, it was pretty heartbreaking to hear that we wouldn’t be performing this year, but I look back on the fun memories that I made with the team fondly.